Legislature(1993 - 1994)

01/25/1994 01:35 PM Senate L&C

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
 SENATOR KELLY introduced SB 70 (ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LOAN                     
 GUARANTEES) by SENATOR JIM DUNCAN, and invited his aide, ROXANNE              
 STEWART, to present the bill.                                                 
 MS. STEWART thanked SENATOR KELLY for hearing the bill, even though           
 SENATOR DUNCAN was not able to be present.  She explained their               
 office had received a new proposal from the Division of Vocational            
 Rehabilitation, a copy of which was given to JOSH FINK, aide to               
 SENATOR KELLY.  MS. STEWART also explained it would necessitate               
 changes to the bill if the committee chooses to accept the changes.           
 MS. STEWART reviewed the provisions of the legislation which would            
 establish the Assistive Technology Loan Guarantee Program, would              
 assist persons with disabilities to purchase durable equipment,               
 adaptive aids, and assistive devices to obtain or maintain their              
 employment or to live more independently.  She explained the bill             
 had included employers in the program, but the new proposal would             
 eliminate the employers from the program.                                     
 MS. STEWART suggested the committee look at SB 70 as a job's bill             
 for persons with disabilities.  Using the federal receipts, which             
 are referenced in the fiscal note, she said the program would allow           
 the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to guarantee loans made             
 to individuals with disabilities by private lending institutions.             
 MS. STEWART explained the loan recipient must be unable to obtain             
 the needed equipment through Vocational Rehabilitation, MEDICAID,             
 MEDICARE, or other sources such as insurance companies.  Under the            
 bill, a loan could be used for purchase or modification of a                  
 vehicle, if the person lives independently or with their parents or           
 guardian, and has been employed a minimum of 90 days before the               
 initial loan request.                                                         
 MS. STEWART said the present legislation requires the Division of             
 Vocational Rehabilitation to determine the applicant's ability to             
 make loan payments and assume other responsibilities normally                 
 carried out by lending institutions.  She explained this would be             
 changed in the new proposal from the Division of Vocational                   
 Rehabilitation, and she further explained the proposal would                  
 clarify the respective responsibilities of the lenders, the                   
 Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and establish a loan                   
 committee to administer the program.                                          
 MS. STEWART reported the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation                
 commissioned a study during the interim to determine the most                 
 effective means of implementing the loan program, based on what               
 works in other states, which, she said, was the basis of the bill             
 before the committee.  In the proposal the participating lending              
 institutions would process the loans using their standard                     
 procedures; however, if the borrower is not able to afford the                
 payments due to the interest rate, the lender would refer the                 
 person to the Assistive Technology Loan Guarantee Program for an              
 interest rate buy down.                                                       
 MS. STEWART said she was not able to get the suggested amendments             
 drafted before the committee meeting, but she offered assistance to           
 work with SENATOR KELLY'S staff if he chose to make the amendments.           
 Number 199                                                                    
 MR. FINK explained to SENATOR KELLY the new proposal was delivered            
 just prior to the committee meeting.  SENATOR KELLY said a                    
 committee substituted would be drafted with the help of all of the            
 participants in the legislation, but in the mean time he planned to           
 continue the testimony on SB 70.                                              
 Next, SENATOR KELLY called on STAN RIDGEWAY, Deputy Director for              
 the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and asked if he wished             
 to testify, or present his position paper.                                    
 MR. RIDGEWAY said he was willing to work with staff on the changes            
 to the committee substitute and leave the time for testimony.                 
 MARK FRESQUEZ testified as a hearing impaired person in support of            
 HB 139 (ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LOAN GUARANTEES), a companion bill to            
 SB 70.  He explained his support in terms of the benefits, not only           
 to the persons with disabilities, but to their families, employers,           
 co-workers, and the general public.                                           
 MR. FRESQUEZ explained how he would be helped, not only in his                
 world of work, but his social life.  He explained how this                    
 assistance impacted the hearing impaired person working in an                 
 office, who, because they could answer the phone with a TDY system            
 could get a promotion - and a feeling of pride.                               
 Number 261                                                                    
 EARL CLARK, next to testify, showed his disability in a slow,                 
 halting walk to the microphone.  He works for the Southeast Alaska            
 Independent Living Center with people who are disabled to varying             
 MR. CLARK was enthusiastic in his praise that with assistive                  
 technology, namely a computer, he was able to become computer                 
 literate and save his career.  He said the program provides                   
 technology to people who have the possibilities of employment and             
 make them productive citizens of society.  MR. CLARK said SB 70 was           
 really an investment with an unlimited ability to help people who             
 need help at crucial times in their lives.                                    
 Number 294                                                                    
 SENATOR KELLY asked MS. STEWART if the program would allow the                
 purchase of computers.  She said it did.                                      
 SENATOR SALO questioned the availability of the technology to the             
 person but not to the employer.  MS. STEWART said that was correct,           
 and referred her question to MR. RIDGEWAY.                                    
 MR. RIDGEWAY explained, under the Assistive Technology of Alaska              
 Advisory Board (ATA), the employer has a separate obligation to               
 provide technology to a person with a disability and have tax                 
 advantages to supply the equipment if it is for a person with a               
 disability.  He also explained the adaptive equipment needed by the           
 employer is relatively simply, and he gave an example.                        
 MR. RIDGEWAY said the assistive technology bill is mainly aimed at            
 helping individuals rather than businesses or corporations.                   
 SENATOR KELLY next turned to the Teleconference Network to take               
 testimony from Sitka before returning to Juneau.                              
 STEVE PRIDDLE testified as a consumer and in favor of SB 70.  He              
 described his disability as a dual sensory lock, both blindness and           
 hearing impairment.  He explained he was presently in college,                
 going for a degree in law, and able to maintain a 3.2 grade point.            
 He gave adaptive technology credit for his success, and he stressed           
 a significant need in Alaska for legislation such as SB 70 to help            
 those people who need assistive technology.                                   
 JERRY KAINULAINEN, testifying from Sitka, explained he was also a             
 user of assistive technology, since his means of mobility is with             
 a wheelchair, aided by a wheelchair lift in his van.  He listed               
 reasons for his support for SB 70 and the House companion bill:               
 assisted communications, computer applications, environmental                 
 control systems, home or work site modifications, hearing and                 
 vision aides, mobility applications, and adaptive toys.                       
 MR. KAINULAINEN referred to a study conducted by the Institute of             
 Social and Economic Research (ISER) in the Spring of 1991, which he           
 explained documented a considerable need for the assistive                    
 technology.   He quoted the survey as finding that 61% of the                 
 respondents to the study paid for their own devices; next being 13%           
 with payments by private insurance companies, 10% from families,              
 making it 84% altogether from these sources.  He quoted other                 
 statistics to support SB 70.                                                  
 MR. KAINULAINEN explained there were similar bills in other states            
 with programs doing very well with low default rates in most of the           
 Number 393                                                                    
 Hearing no questions from committee members, SENATOR KELLY turned             
 to Ketchikan to hear ELENA KILBUCK.                                           
 MS. KILBUCK introduced herself as working for the Southeast Alaska            
 Independent Living program and explained there were three consumers           
 and two citizens in Ketchikan, who agree that SB 70 is an                     
 opportunity the community can use, and she explained their needs.             
 While a person was wheeling forth in her chair to testify, JOE                
 TOMPKINS explained how the committee room was not accessible.                 
 SENATOR LINCOLN agreed this was a good point, and SENATOR KELLY               
 wondered how she had gotten into the building.  SENATOR LINCOLN               
 said a portable mike was needed.                                              
 NANCY ANDERSON, who was unable to maneuver behind the table,                  
 explained she was a member of the Assistive Technologies of Alaska            
 Council and the Southeast Alaska Independent Living Board.  She               
 testified as a consumer that the bill was more than a good thing to           
 do, it would likely get people employed.                                      
 MS. ANDERSON brought up the problem of not being able to get to an            
 interview for a job because of an inadequate vehicle, or not having           
 a wheelchair.  She explained, in her own case, she presently has no           
 transportation since her disability grew out of her car, and she is           
 now dependent on other means of transportation.                               
 MS. ANDERSON said there would be an increase in her activities if             
 she had a lift equipped van, but she was told the insurance company           
 would not pay for that kind of equipment, since it isn't directly             
 medically related.                                                            
 Number 447                                                                    
 MS. ANDERSON explained she has had assistance from Vocational                 
 Rehabilitation, but they have a limit on how much they can spend.             
 The lift on the van would cost $12 thousand, but Vocational                   
 Rehabilitation can only pay $5 thousand.  She said there were many            
 disabled people in a situation where they have exhausted all of               
 their resources.                                                              
 MS. ANDERSON continued discussing disability problems such as being           
 able to purchase a special kind of blanket for those who can't                
 maneuver under a heavy blanket.  She concluded her testimony by               
 stressing the need in the State of Alaska for adaptive technology.            
 SENATOR SALO asked MS. ANDERSON whether there should be a maximum             
 per individual using the loan fund.  MS. ANDERSON thought there was           
 MS. STEWART opined there was a $10 thousand limit, but that                   
 provisions should be removed in a committee substitute, with the              
 committee in Vocational Rehabilitation deciding on the maximum.               
 SENATOR KELLY clarified the payment schedule, but said there was no           
 limit.  He discussed with SENATOR SALO and MS. ANDERSON the limits            
 on the funding for $10 thousand wheelchair lifts, and MS. ANDERSON            
 suggested a mechanism to make funding depend on the pot of money              
 available.  She thought it was better to help a significant number            
 of people, even if they had to pay part of the cost of the adaptive           
 equipment themselves.                                                         
 SENATOR SHARP thought the $100 thousand was to be used to subsidize           
 interest reductions and to leverage to a larger amount.                       
 MS. STEWART quoted the Assistive Technology Council as saying they            
 would put $100 thousand annually into the fund.                               
 SENATOR KELLY asked if federal funding was in the legislation, and            
 there was reference to the fiscal note.  MS. ANDERSON explained it            
 would not be an interest free loan, which would provide additional            
 money to the fund, and she cited an increase in funds in other                
 KEN DEAN, an Auke Bay consumer, expressed concern for the potential           
 limits on individual loans, and noted the cost of his wheelchair              
 was $13 thousand plus $12 thousand for the lift in his van, all               
 paid by him or his insurance company.  These assistive devices have           
 provided him with ongoing employment for the last five years, along           
 with providing the college education MR. DEAN needed to pursue his            
 MR. DEAN explained he was fortunate in that he previously had a               
 good paying job until disease took his mobility away, but he was              
 able to cross train and retrain through the university system.  He            
 was able to land a good job with a caring employer, who has helped            
 him with his purchase of assistive devices.  MR. DEAN hoped the               
 legislation would help other disabled people to make suitable                 
 financial arrangements to open an area of accomplishments - instead           
 of being housebound.                                                          
 SENATOR KELLY and SENATOR RIEGER discussed the passage of SB 70               
 from the HESS Committee in the original form.                                 
 Next to testify was KAY KLOSE, an independent living specialist               
 working throughout Southeast communities providing advocacy and               
 case management services.  She also returned to the 1991 survey               
 conducted by ISER, which found there were between twenty and                  
 twenty-three thousand people who were disabled, but the study did             
 not include those disabled people in institutional settings.                  
 MS. KLOSE said the survey also indicated that 58% of Alaskans, who            
 need assisted technology do not have access to it, and rural                  
 Alaskans represent the largest unserved population.                           
 MS. KLOSE said this failure to have appropriate technology                    
 minimizes people's lives and their abilities to contribute as                 
 inclusive, productive members of society.  She claimed there were             
 over 40 thousand assistive technology devices available today, and            
 she listed the aids in mobility, communication, adaptive computers,           
 electronic systems, all kinds of prothesis, vehicle modification,             
 and recreational devices such as used at Eaglecrest.  MS. KLOSE               
 said the cost for these devices was very expensive, and she                   
 reviewed the cost of some of them.                                            
 TAPE 94-2 SIDE B                                                              
 Number 001                                                                    
 MS. KLOSE continued to discuss the improvement of accessibility,              
 the employment and promotion of disabled persons, the reduction of            
 worker's compensation costs, and the need to develop additional               
 work forces.  She explained persons with disabilities, families,              
 and employers would be able to make direct application to their               
 local bank for this loan.                                                     
 MS. KLOSE closed her remarks by explaining there was no cost to the           
 state budget and the federal funds would guarantee up to 90% of the           
 loan principal amount.  She said she was the only person not                  
 disabled in her office, and she was amazed at what the staff was              
 able to do, provided they have assistive technology available to              
 SENATOR KELLY continued to invite others to speak to the committee.           
 JOE TOMPKINS thanked the committee for their time.  He suggested to           
 the members they use a wheelchair for a week, wear a blindfold for            
 a day, or plug their ears to experience the difference in trying to           
 do all the things they do during the day.                                     
 Because of a non-profit organization and volunteers, MR. TOMPKINS             
 described how he was able to go skiing for the first time last                
 Saturday at Eaglecrest, which was something he had never done                 
 before.  He praised the volunteers who happily helped him ski.                
 Without Vocational Rehabilitation, MR. TOMPKINS would not have been           
 able to testify, and he explained the doors on his house had to be            
 widened to accommodate his wheelchair.  He asked the committee to             
 pass SB 70 because there were many more things he wanted to do.               
 MR. TOMPKINS described how the set-up of the committee room did not           
 consider wheelchairs or blind people.  He urged the committee                 
 members to be more understanding of the challenges facing the                 
 Number 045                                                                    
 Next to testify was CONNIE ANDERSON, who is hearing impaired.  She            
 introduced herself as the Executive Director of Southeast Alaska              
 Independent Living, and the current Chair of the State of Alaska              
 Independent Living Council, and she explained the services provided           
 by both of these groups.                                                      
 MS. ANDERSON reviewed the intent of the Assistive Technology Loan             
 Guarantee and Interest Subsidy program, and how the program enables           
 the disabled to purchase assistive technology equipment which is              
 necessary to their employment and/or their independence.                      
 MS. ANDERSON explained that with the advent of technology in the              
 work place and the community, it has become more critical that                
 people with disabilities have the same opportunities to purchase              
 and utilize whatever assistive or adaptive technology necessary to            
 assist them with daily living and employment.  She gave examples of           
 "high-tech" devices such as computers, reader/scanners, and speech            
 MS. ANDERSON also referred to the ISER research conducted from                
 November 1990 to January 1991, in which is was found there were               
 approximately 22,000 persons in Alaska who experience a disability.           
 This figure did not include the disabled in institutions or those             
 without phones or deaf.  She quoted the study's estimate that over            
 fourteen thousand of the people in the study could benefit from the           
 use of assistive technology equipment especially designed for their           
 MS. ANDERSON also quoted from the ISER study that the most common             
 reason why this assistive technology equipment is not used is that            
 people cannot afford the cost of the special equipment.                       
 In addition, MS. ANDERSON said the survey documented that Alaska              
 natives with disabilities and rural Alaskans with disabilities not            
 only constituted a greater need for all types of assistive                    
 technology but it represented the largest unmet need.  She reviewed           
 the most common types of equipment such telecommunication devices             
 for the deaf, (TDD) which MS. ANDERSON said she used to answer the            
 Number 117                                                                    
 In her final words of support for SB 70, MRS. ANDERSON said, "This            
 initiative has no immediate impact on the current state budget.  It           
 is anticipated that federal funding of approximately $100,000 will            
 serve as seed money to this program.  These federal monies will               
 guarantee up to 90% of the loan principal amount or subsidize the             
 interest of the loan to a state or federally chartered financial              
 institution.  Persons with disabilities, their families, and their            
 employers will be able to make a direct application to their local            
 bank for an assistive technology loan."                                       
 SENATOR LINCOLN asked for a copy of MS. ANDERSON'S testimony.                 
 SENATOR LINCOLN clarified with MR. RIDGEWAY that 38% of those with            
 disabilities were Bush Alaska residents, and she gave the example             
 of helping a constituent who needed a stroller to use for a                   
 disabled child.  She described the difficulty in securing both the            
 certification from an Assistive Technology Resource Center and the            
 application for the low-interest, long term loan, because there are           
 no banks or eligibility offices in the Bush.  She hoped this would            
 be resolved.                                                                  
 Number 164                                                                    
 SENATOR KELLY next called on PATTY BAUMGARTNER, who is sight                  
 impaired and accompanied by her working dog.                                  
 MS. BAUMGARTNER explained she was a coordinator for older, blind              
 Alaskans, including those with low vision.  In reference to the               
 problems outlined by SENATOR LINCOLN, she described the extent of             
 an out-reach program into the rural areas for information and                 
 MS. BAUMGARTNER told of the frustrations of going from being a                
 sighted person to not being able to read anything, but she                    
 described scanning devices to allow her to read any typed print.              
 She also described other devices connected to a computer that would           
 talk to her, and how important these devices were to her work.                
 MS. BAUMGARTNER talked about the importance of being able to                  
 purchase these devices, but how you lose income when you lose your            
 eye sight.  She said you can't get a conventional loan to buy an              
 unconventional device, and she outlined the problems of trying to             
 persuade a bank to loan money to a disabled person.                           
 She also talked in terms of wanting to be an asset rather than a              
 liability to society, and how it can be accomplished with an                  
 affordable loan.                                                              
 SENATOR KELLY said staff would work together to develop a committee           
 substitute, and he posed questions about all phases of the loans,             
 restricting the money, and the availability of the funding.  He               
 thought the banking terms would have to be strengthened, and the              
 problems with foreclosing on a loan from a disabled person.                   
 SENATOR KELLY expressed concerns that some banks might not even               
 want to make these loans, unless there was encouragement to do so.            
 He indicated the committee would work on a committee substitute to            
 the persons who testified.                                                    
 Number 224                                                                    
 SENATOR SALO returned to MS. BAUMGARTNER to ask her how she handles           
 her paperwork load now.  MS. BAUMGARTNER said she presently has an            
 employed reader, but she also described a working agreement with              
 many people who generate the paper to send it on a diskette.  She             
 explained she has Wordperfect with Windows on her computer at work,           
 and when she inserts the diskette, her computer talks to her.  MS.            
 BAUMGARTNER said it was a mutual cooperation with other agencies              
 such as the City & Borough of Juneau.  She described how some of              
 her information comes to her on cassette.                                     
 SENATOR SALO asked about the price of the computer that talks, and            
 MS. BAUMGARTNER answered that the one she has at home, an Apple               
 IIGF, is about $5 thousand.  She described other types of computers           
 as well as software that turns the spoken word into print and to              
 braille which was $195.  She thought there were many marvelous                
 programs on the market now for disabled persons and for bilingual             
 SENATOR SALO asked about her dog's name, and MS. BAUMGARTNER                  
 introduced her seeing eye dog, Snoopy.                                        
 Number 259                                                                    
 CONNIE ANDERSON asked to comment on the computers, the financing,             
 and the need for ready access in their office.                                
 MS. BAUMGARTNER described how some people in their fifties are                
 loosing both their eye sight and their jobs - and they are not                
 ready to retire.  The problems of access and cost can turn a person           
 into a liability, and she explained how she helps them get a piece            
 of equipment to help them remain productive.                                  
 SENATOR SHARP asked about the maximum allowable and running afoul             
 of restrictions on federal money.                                             
 SENATOR KELLY clarified there presently was no "maximum allowable"            
 in SB 70, and he asked MR. RIDGEWAY if anything would preclude                
 buying a 35 foot seiner with assistive technology on it.                      
 MR. RIDGEWAY discussed the process of the loan committee, and he              
 reminded the committee the loan had to be repaid.  He said it was             
 difficult to think in terms of buying a boat as an assistive                  
 technology device, but he thought it may come up.  He thought the             
 loan committee would limit the loans to insure it was helping the             
 person to live independently and to work.                                     
 Number 310                                                                    
 In reading the bill, SENATOR SHARP decided there was a limitation             
 to the payment period of four to six years.                                   
 MR. RIDGEWAY explained that last year in the HESS Committee,                  
 SENATOR RIEGER brought up many of the technical questions on how to           
 manage the loan.  He noted the President of the Alaska Banker's               
 Association testified in favor of SB 70.  He said forty two other             
 states have these loan programs, and three of the states have                 
 capitalized their loans through federal funds, which is the way the           
 Administration wants to structure the loan program in SB 70.                  
 SENATOR KELLY questioned which banks in Alaska would provide these            
 loans, and MR. RIDGEWAY answered that banks were supporting the               
 loan legislation because of their requirement for community                   
 reinvestment.  MR. RIDGEWAY also described the difficulty banks had           
 in repossessing equipment purchased for the disabled, but the bank            
 are in agreement because the loans are guaranteed at 90% and can be           
 claimed as a community reinvestment project.                                  
 SENATOR KELLY clarified it was a loan program, not a welfare                  
 program, and he explained the collateral side of the program.                 
 Number 350                                                                    
 MS. ANDERSON said that banks had looked at the track records of               
 other states with similar programs, which claim a spectacular                 
 response and low default rates in relation to other consumer loans.           
 SENATOR KELLY said he would like to see the results from some of              
 the other programs in terms of limits on loans, interest rates,               
 origination fees, and financial institutions.  He asked MS. STEWART           
 if the program was limited to banks, or did it include credit                 
 unions.  She explained it was "lending institutions," and they                
 concluded it would be credit unions, too.                                     
 MS. ANDERSON pointed out, in the example of the seine boat, the               
 loans are not structured to purchase the boat, but the assistive              
 technology could be purchased on a boat.  She also reviewed the               
 loan procedures for handling the debt load of the prospective                 
 SENATOR KELLY explained the legislation would allow a bank to loan            
 on a van plus the modifications, but it would be difficult to                 
 purchase many of these large ticket items with the $100 thousand              
 funding available, even when leveraged up to $750 thousand.  He               
 wondered if the fishing boat would qualify as durable goods, and he           
 was concerned about the limited amount of money.  SENATOR KELLY               
 wanted to see more definition in the bill.                                    
 MR. RIDGEWAY thought an answer to his concerns was in taking out              
 the employer as a recipient of an Assistive Technology Loan.                  
 SENATOR KELLY agreed the program was a good idea and the committee            
 should work on a draft on which all participants could agree, and             
 go forward from there.                                                        
 Number 401                                                                    
 SENATOR LINCOLN asked when the bill could be expected back in                 
 committee, and she talked in terms of helping those who testified,            
 and for those across the state who also have a need.                          
 SENATOR KELLY asked about the status of the companion bill, HB 139,           
 and was informed it was still in the first committee of referral.             
 He said he would start with providing a committee substitute.                 

Document Name Date/Time Subjects